This table lists the benchmark results for the low-res many-view scenario. The following metrics are evaluated:

(*) For exact definitions, detailing how potentially incomplete ground truth is taken into account, see our paper.

The datasets are grouped into different categories, and result averages are computed for a category and method if results of the method are available for all datasets within the category. Note that the category "all" includes both the high-res multi-view and the low-res many-view scenarios.

Methods with suffix _ROB may participate in the Robust Vision Challenge.

Click a dataset result cell to show a visualization of the reconstruction. For training datasets, ground truth and accuracy / completeness visualizations are also available. The visualizations may not work with mobile browsers.

Method Infoalllow-res
indooroutdoordelivery areaelectroforestplaygroundterrains
sort bysort bysort bysort bysorted bysort bysort bysort bysort by
TAPA-MVS92.04 685.06 1288.77 482.59 1489.98 179.94 1690.04 1477.79 1287.55 9
Andrea Romanoni, Matteo Matteucci: TAPA-MVS: Textureless-Aware PAtchMatch Multi-View Stereo. ICCV 2019
DeepPCF-MVS94.02 389.05 190.23 188.27 389.26 286.89 292.74 1085.18 391.19 4
PCF-MVS92.56 488.94 287.48 989.91 188.72 387.66 194.48 287.58 186.24 11
Andreas Kuhn, Shan Lin, Oliver Erdler: Plane Completion and Filtering for Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction. GCPR 2019
PLCcopyleft94.37 287.45 489.21 286.27 687.35 483.06 1094.02 481.74 791.08 5
Jie Liao, Yanping Fu, Qingan Yan, Chunxia xiao: Pyramid Multi-View Stereo with Local Consistency. Pacific Graphics 2019
DeepC-MVS_fast95.01 188.09 389.19 387.35 486.77 584.38 593.37 684.30 491.61 2
Andreas Kuhn, Christian Sormann, Mattia Rossi, Oliver Erdler, Friedrich Fraundorfer: DeepC-MVS: Deep Confidence Prediction for Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction. 3DV 2020
GSE85.65 1186.44 1185.11 1186.70 683.85 794.21 377.29 1486.19 12
COLMAP(base)86.74 788.30 685.71 986.67 781.47 1193.90 581.75 689.94 6
DeepC-MVS92.23 586.25 1087.94 785.12 1086.62 884.79 490.40 1380.17 1089.27 7
Andreas Kuhn, Christian Sormann, Mattia Rossi, Oliver Erdler, Friedrich Fraundorfer: DeepC-MVS: Deep Confidence Prediction for Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction. 3DV 2020
COLMAP(SR)87.37 686.00 1288.28 286.18 983.58 895.06 186.20 285.83 13
ACMH+85.62 1286.50 887.51 885.83 885.76 1083.42 993.18 780.89 989.27 7
ACMP89.80 987.42 588.74 586.54 585.36 1184.80 393.00 881.81 592.13 1
Qingshan Xu and Wenbing Tao: Planar Prior Assisted PatchMatch Multi-View Stereo. AAAI 2020
TAPA-MVS(SR)83.90 1484.64 1483.41 1383.56 1280.78 1491.93 1277.53 1385.73 14
ACMH85.22 1384.74 1385.17 1384.45 1283.00 1381.47 1192.78 979.12 1187.34 10
Qingshan Xu and Wenbing Tao: Multi-Scale Geometric Consistency Guided Multi-View Stereo. CVPR 2019
ACMM89.40 1086.34 987.00 1085.90 782.44 1484.21 692.42 1181.07 891.55 3
Qingshan Xu and Wenbing Tao: Multi-Scale Geometric Consistency Guided Multi-View Stereo. CVPR 2019
LTVRE_ROB79.45 1678.91 1579.79 1578.32 1577.85 1572.87 2388.04 1774.05 1581.73 21
Andreas Kuhn, Heiko Hirschmüller, Daniel Scharstein, Helmut Mayer: A TV Prior for High-Quality Scalable Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction. International Journal of Computer Vision 2016
COLMAP_ROBcopyleft84.42 1574.49 2377.19 1972.68 2374.12 1675.59 2087.54 2054.91 2380.27 23
Johannes L. Schönberger, Enliang Zheng, Marc Pollefeys, Jan-Michael Frahm: Pixelwise View Selection for Unstructured Multi-View Stereo. ECCV 2016
A-TVSNet + Gipumacopyleft77.43 1676.13 2278.30 1674.08 1779.17 1788.00 1967.73 1678.18 26
BP-MVSNet75.04 2278.71 1672.58 2473.17 1880.29 1583.36 2354.11 2484.26 17
Christian Sormann, Patrick Knöbelreiter, Andreas Kuhn, Mattia Rossi, Thomas Pock, Friedrich Fraundorfer: BP-MVSNet: Belief-Propagation-Layers for Multi-View-Stereo. 3DV 2020
LPCS76.00 1978.18 1774.55 2073.09 1972.23 2488.61 1662.81 2083.26 20
CIDER72.63 2472.36 2472.81 2271.03 2074.93 2285.49 2258.00 2173.70 30
Qingshan Xu and Wenbing Tao: Learning Inverse Depth Regression for Multi-View Stereo with Correlation Cost Volume. AAAI 2020
IB-MVS84.67 1475.14 2177.40 1873.63 2170.37 2181.47 1183.15 2456.25 2284.43 16
Christian Sormann, Mattia Rossi, Andreas Kuhn and Friedrich Fraundorfer: IB-MVS: An Iterative Algorithm for Deep Multi-View Stereo based on Binary Decisions. BMVC 2021
3Dnovator+90.72 777.00 1776.38 2177.42 1769.12 2275.92 1888.70 1567.64 1783.64 18
3Dnovator90.31 876.35 1876.45 2076.29 1868.46 2375.81 1988.03 1865.02 1884.44 15
OpenMVScopyleft88.43 1175.27 2075.74 2374.95 1967.98 2475.09 2186.19 2163.57 1983.50 19
MVEpermissive42.40 1959.02 2864.75 2955.21 2857.52 2551.91 2868.01 2945.70 2571.97 31
Simon Fuhrmann, Fabian Langguth, Michael Goesele: MVE - A Multi-View Reconstruction Environment. EUROGRAPHICS Workshops on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (2014)
hgnet54.67 2961.19 3050.33 2957.33 2644.19 2966.75 3040.04 2665.05 32
DPSNet54.67 2961.19 3050.33 2957.33 2644.19 2966.75 3040.04 2665.05 32
unsupervisedMVS_cas60.74 2767.51 2556.23 2754.12 2859.79 2773.38 2735.53 3180.90 22
CasMVSNet(base)61.43 2665.07 2859.00 2652.15 2967.44 2675.32 2634.23 3277.99 27
CasMVSNet(SR_A)54.35 3165.39 2647.00 3252.02 3043.15 3161.58 3236.26 2878.76 24
CasMVSNet(SR_B)62.76 2565.39 2661.01 2552.02 3069.81 2576.97 2536.26 2878.76 24
example52.78 3257.15 3249.87 3140.35 3241.97 3271.61 2836.04 3073.95 29
PMVScopyleft49.05 1841.70 3355.30 3332.62 3336.28 3337.62 3349.40 3310.85 3374.33 28
Y. Furukawa, J. Ponce: Accurate, dense, and robust multiview stereopsis. PAMI (2010)
dnet0.00 350.00 350.00 350.00 340.00 340.00 350.00 340.00 35
CMPMVSbinary58.73 1711.81 3429.43 340.07 340.00 340.00 340.22 340.00 3458.85 34
M. Jancosek, T. Pajdla: Multi-View Reconstruction Preserving Weakly-Supported Surfaces. CVPR 2011