Results for FPMVS
Submission data
Full name | Folding Patch based Multi-View Stereo |
Description | Replacing traditional flat patch with folding patch. |
Parameters | Same as default parameters of PMVS(Patch based MVS) proposed in [1] .
level 1 csize 2 threshold 0.7 wsize 7 minImageNum 3 CPU 8 setEdge 0 useBound 0 useVisData 0 sequence -1 maxAngle 10 quad 2.0 [1] Furukawa, Y., Ponce, J.: Accurate, dense, and robust multiview stereopsis. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 32(8) (2010) 1362–1376 |
Programming language(s) | C++ |
Hardware | Core i7 |
Submission creation date | 28 Feb, 2018 |
Last edited | 14 Mar, 2018 |
High-res multi-view results
Info | all | high-res multi-view | indoor | outdoor | botani. | boulde. | bridge | door | exhibi. | lectur. | living. | lounge | observ. | old co. | statue | terrac. |
35.40 | 33.67 | 40.57 | 46.34 | 28.74 | 41.05 | 57.05 | 20.37 | 22.27 | 53.38 | 6.87 | 44.94 | 8.62 | 47.11 | 48.01 |
Low-res many-view results
Info | all | low-res many-view | indoor | outdoor | lakeside | sand box | storage room | storage room 2 | tunnel |
No results yet. |
Low-res two-view results
SLAM results
all | boxes | boxes dark | buddha | cables 4 | cables 5 | desk 1 | desk 2 | desk changing 2 | desk dark 1 | desk dark 2 | desk global light changes | desk ir light | dino | drone | foreground occlusion | helmet | kidnap 2 | lamp | large loop 2 | large loop 3 | large non loop | motion 2 | motion 3 | motion 4 | planar 1 | reflective 2 | scale change | table 1 | table 2 | table 5 | table 6 | table global light changes | table local light changes | table scene | trashbin | |||
Method | Info | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
No results yet. |